Caribbean Pizza in Dominica! Home-Cooked Dominican Food

On my first night on the island of Dominica, a local fan invited me to his home in Portsmouth to make Caribbean fusion pizzas. It was an incredible experience that gave me an amazing experience with a local. And, of course, I also got a taste of delicious Dominican food!

The fan, a man named Larry, is a super cool and friendly guy. I was so grateful that he’d invited me to his home to show me a new side of Dominican culture. We were both super pumped about what was to come. My mouth was already watering, and I couldn’t wait to eat some pizza!

Juices and Larry’s Barbecue Sauces

Larry seasons some delicious chicken wings in his home kitchen | Davidsbeenhere

We kicked off with a variety of juices, like passion fruit, pink grapefruit, and golden apple mixed with ginger. Then we moved on to making wings as a starter. I could see the care Larry put into every detail to make our meal as good as possible.

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The stars of the show are Larry’s Caribbean barbecue sauces. From the classic barbecue to guava barbecue, mango habanero, and jerk barbecue, each sauce is phenomenal. I couldn’t get enough of them. Each one was tangy and had its own flavor profile.

Next, we tried the juices, and each one was a pleasant surprise that grabbed my attention. The hibiscus and passion fruit juices were exceptional. They were floral and fruity, and sweet without being cloying. The pink grapefruit juice was more tart and sour but also tasted way better than any store-bought grapefruit juice. It was a real taste of the freshness of Caribbean fruits and juices.

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Caribbean Pizza in Dominica

A fresh, delicious Caribbean pizza in Dominica | Davidsbeenhere

The gelatinous souse, made with pig feet, was unique but quite tasty. I’d had souse before in Barbados and loved it. But of course, the highlight of the night was making our Caribbean-style pizzas. The mahi mahi pizza and mango chicken pork pizza were both unique and perfect!

This food adventure fave me a lesson in both Dominican food and the hospitality of the island’s locals. The pizza, souse, juices, and sauces were packed with bold flavors and interesting textures. It was full of the main thing I travel for, which is the cozy feeling of enjoying meals with new friends and sharing culture.

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The mix of flavors, and the fusion twist on a classic dish, were unforgettable. I’m definitely not a cook, but helping Larry make the pizzas is something I’ll never forget. From start to finish, it gave me a real sense of what Dominican cuisine is all about.

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