Celebrity Travel Addicts: Kristen Kellogg from Border Free Travels

In this Celebrity Travel Addicts Q&A we chat with my friend, professional cinematographer and seasoned world traveler Kristen Kellogg from Border Free Travels. Check out how she began her life of travel, and why she loves visiting off the beaten path destinations and discovering hidden gems in major cities.

How did your passion for travel get started?

My best friend in college took part in a summer study abroad trip to Ireland and when she came back and shared her experiences with me, I knew I wanted to travel. After saving up for what seemed like forever, two years later I booked my first trip abroad — a two month solo journey — no phone or computer. I knew from the moment I touched down this was the life for me.

How many days/weeks are you traveling in any given year? What are the types of places do you like to visit?

I’m typically on the road for two to three weeks then home for a week or two. It varies, but I’m probably traveling now 3/4 of the year.

What is it that you want audiences to gain/ learn from your work articles and films?

I do my best to share places people haven’t heard of before or destinations you wouldn’t think to visit first, and also hidden gems, well designed boutique and luxury hotels, handmade things, or great food spots in neighborhoods in smaller pockets of bigger cities or more known destinations.

I really just want to share interesting spaces, people, and places (and people in places) so that others can easily seek out extraordinary experiences in places on their first visit.

Name your top three destinations you’ve traveled?

Dominica Island in the Caribbean, The Garden Route in South Africa, and Zermatt, Switzerland

Give us your ‘Top 5’ list for one of these destinations:

1.  Hike the Wavine Cirque

  1. Stay at least two nights unwinding at Bananalama Eco Villa
  2. If you’ve rented a car ask where to find Ron’s fruit stand and go get yourself some
  3. Ride horses through the water with Rainforest Riding
  4. Hike the Boiling Lake

How many countries have you visited so far?

I’ve never actually counted until you just asked. 30 countries. And 6 continents.

Your top three favorite cuisines?

I love all food…but my frequented favorites are Mexican (I love Oaxacan cuisine), Italian, and Japanese

Favorite restaurant in the world?

Oishii in Boston – You don”t go for the ambiance. You go for the sushi. It is mind-blowing.

Your favorite travel movie?

Almost Famous

Favorite international airport?


City with the friendliest people?

In the US, New Orleans – I lived in Louisiana for five years and the locals are some of the nicest people I’ve ever spent time with.

Your favorite traveling companion?

My Spotify account

Best way you kill time while traveling?

I love talking to strangers. I’m a naturally inquisitive person and love learning about others.

What is the most exotic place your career has taken you?

To Dominica

Photo Credit: Katie Kaizer Photography

Your best bit of travel advice for someone who is about to embark on a life of travel?

Don’t let the bumps in the road get to you. With travel comes unexpected situations — both good and bad. Take them all with a grain of salt so to speak and you’ll enjoy the ride much more.

What are 4 things you could never travel without?

  1. My Canon DSLR
  2. A great moisturizer.
  3. My new smart luggage.
  4. A comfortable pair of boots.

What is your ultimate dream destination?

Can I pick two? I have so many! If I could hop on a plane and go anywhere right this moment, I’d love to explore Reunion Island or Scotland.

Your favorite travel quote?

I don’t have one favorite, but I do really like…
“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” ― Marcel Proust

Where to next?

You’ll have to wait and see. But it’s somewhere warm I’ve never been before.


Building meaningful connections for her clients through creative content, filmmaker, digital storyteller, and travel expert Kristen Kellogg has designed her life for life on the road. Her Wanderlust Website + Content Creation Agency, Border Free Travels, produces and shares highly engaging lifestyle stories and brand campaigns through film, photography, and innovative media tied to travel. She not only creates content but provides consulting to brands and destinations for digital marketing, social media, and modern campaign concepts that will best reach and engage their desired audience.

Photo Credit: Lacy Colley Yamaoka

Kristen recently produced work for Rosetta Stone, Travel Channel and Thailand Tourism, and her work has been featured in a variety of outlets such as Refinery29, Yahoo, Daily Mail, AFAR, MSN, and Microsoft among others. Kristen is a Brand Ambassador for Coola Suncare, is from Southern Illinois, has an obsession with cheese, loves talking to strangers (in person and on Instagram), and feels most at home when she’s not. A Nantucket Island resident, when she’s not on the road, she finds inspiration by literally running around exploring her own backyard.

Connect with Kristen on Border Free Travels website, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Pinterest

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  1. Kristen Kellogg says:

    Thanks so much for having me David!

    • David says:

      It was a pleasure having you Kristen!

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