Top 4 Ways Travelers Can Give Back When Traveling To A Foreign Country

With the New Year in full swing, it is time to begin planning your next vacation! This year, you should completely change your mindset and stop thinking about yourself. While traveling to a foreign country is generally very self-serving, it is also possible to give back along the way.

By traveling to Costa Rica or Peru, you will be able to serve yourself, while simultaneously giving back to the locals. Below, you’ll learn about the top 4 ways travelers can give back, while traveling abroad.

Building Shelter And Expanding Schools In Costa Rica

In the western world, consumers often take their amenities for granted. Most westerners would think it unfathomable to sleep outside on the ground. In some parts of the world, this is simply a way of life. Of course, you can help to fix this problem. By volunteering during your travels, you will be able to partake in construction projects and help the locals gain access to the shelter they need so desperately. Maximo Nivel offers a variety of construction volunteer programs.

By teaming up with these volunteer organizations, you’ll be able to work alongside others in the beautiful country of Costa Rica. You’ll learn how to install sheet metal, lay concrete and even tile. More importantly, you’ll be able to make a difference, while helping to beautify the country. While Costa Rica is a prime destination for those willing to work with their hands, Peru and Guatemala are also two great alternatives.

Teaching English To Orphans In Peru

English is a widely-spoken language that many countries are adopting as their second language. Due to this fact, this presents a unique opportunity for any English speaker, who is looking to volunteer their skills. You can travel the world teaching English to different people. You will get the chance to dive into new cultures and learn new practices, along with being exposed to new cuisine. There is truly no better place to teach English as a second language than the country of Peru. The Peruvian government does very little to help its citizens and the illiteracy rate is substantially high.

At the same time, the country’s essential services are lacking. The education system is below standards and this makes it difficult for women and children to gain the knowledge and education needed to excel in life. While visiting Peru, you’ll be able to work alongside some of the neediest people in the entire world. Teaching them how to speak English could very well pull them out of poverty and help them establish a bright and profitable future. Just remember that you’ll need to be 17 years of age to participate and you must be willing to work at least 1 week!

Caring For Abandoned Animals In Guatemala

If you wish to become a vet in the future, you should get a head start by getting a little hands-on experience. Western countries are full of volunteer and rescue groups, but many foreign countries lack the assistance they need to care for their stray animals. This is especially true, when it comes to Guatemala. The country is home to thousands of stray dogs and cats. Stray animals are a hazard to themselves, as well as the local population. Now is the time to sign up for a volunteer program and begin helping those animals, because they cannot help themselves!

Depending on the specific program, you may be able to work directly with these animals. This will allow you to brush, feed and bathe dogs and cats. You may also be required to clean their cages. Truly, if you absolutely love animals, this type of volunteer program will be a great choice. It will give you the ability to give back, while saving countless dogs and cats. And of course, your good deed will not go unnoticed. It’ll also give you the opportunity to explore the country of Guatemala and its beautiful landscapes.

Vaccinating The Needy In Peru

There are hundreds of organizations that are looking for medical professionals to volunteer in underdeveloped countries. If you are retired nurse or just looking for a new adventure in your off time, you should definitely consider volunteering to assist those in need. There are many rewards of volunteering, with the most notable being the appreciation expressed from the people. Your skills will go a long way in helping a sick child or adult recover from an injury or illness. Peru is full of understaffed hospitals. These establishments could use your help!

By venturing to Peru, you will be able to help partake in the local hospital’s vaccination program. This will save countless lives, while also ensuring you make a major impact on the locals.

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