Celebrity Travel Addicts: Kristine Agabaian from Kris Chérie

In this Celebrity Travel Addicts Q&A we meet fashion and lifestyle blogger Kristine Agabaian from Kris Chérie. Learn how this  Armenian-American got hooked on all things French and why Paris will always be her eternal city.

How did your passion for travel get started?

I’ve always loved the idea of traveling, but I would say my passion for travel started when I was the West Coast Window Dresser for ZARA, and I was constantly traveling to different locations every week. 

How many days/weeks are you traveling in any given year? What are the types of places do you like to visit?

I used to travel and be gone 3 weeks out of the month, every month.  I’ve toned it down now and travel once a month or once every other month for about a week. Sometimes more depending on work. 

What is it that you want audiences to gain/ learn from your work?

I want my audience to experience what I’ve experienced through the content that I produce. And most importantly, I want my work to be relatable. And I say that because I want people to relate to what I share and not feel like it’s out of reach and impossible to do the same. I want my audience to be inspired enough to want to do the same! 

Name your top three destinations you’ve traveled?

My top 3 destinations are Paris, Venice and Maui.


Give us your ‘Top 5’ list for one of these destinations, like a mini-guide or to-do list of sorts

The destination I chose is Paris. Here’s a mini guide to all the must-see’s/do’s in Paris:

  1. Have coffee and dessert at Angelina – you can’t go to Paris and not visit this place! Best hot chocolate you will ever have. It’s also where Coco Chanel used to have her tea every morning.
  2. Get lost in the Marais – Super hipster area with a lot of cool street art, bars, and more cafes.
  3. Jardin Tuileries – One of the most beautiful gardens in Paris. Very picture-worthy! It’s in the 1st Arrondissement right next to Place Concorde (think of the ending scene of “Devil Wears Prada”).
  4. Trocadero and Tour de Eiffel – Cliché spot with the best view of the Eiffel Tower (also some of the best crepes you’ll ever have in Paris are the ones by the Eiffel)
  5. Hotel Costes – Great place to get drinks in the evening. Also the main hangout spot of French based designers and models!

The list can go on, but I will include one last one:

  1. Versailles – Definitely have to go here when you’re in Paris! It’s a little bit on the outskirts of Paris, but definitely a must see! You won’t regret it!

How many countries have you visited so far?

I’ve visited a total of 8 different countries.

Your top three favorite cuisines?

I’m Armenian so Middle Eastern Cuisine is on the top of the list. My other two are Japanese Cusine (I can eat an endless amount of sushi and ramen), and French cuisine (some of the best restaurants in the world are based in France).

Favorite restaurant in the world?

My favorite restaurant is actually based here in Los Angeles. It’s a sushi restaurant in Toluca Lake called “Sushi Yuzu.”

Your favorite travel movie?

Midnight in Paris

Favorite international airport?

London Heathrow

City with the friendliest people?

I would have to say Italy.

Your favorite traveling companion?

My boyfriend, Jivan.

Best way you kill time while traveling?

Do work on my laptop or read.

What is the most exotic place your career has taken you?

Most of the places have been metropolitan areas, so I would have to say the most exotic was Maui.

Your best bit of travel advice for someone who is about to embark on a life of travel?

Enjoy every second of it and take a lot of pictures!

What are 4 things you could never travel without?

My phone, camera, bottled water, my skincare products.

What is your ultimate dream destination?

I’ve really been fascinated with Croatia lately, so I would have to say Croatia.

Your favorite travel quote?

“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta

You currently living back in LA, for someone who’s thinking about traveling there how would you describe it?

I’m currently based in Los Angeles. Los Angeles is such a huge city and so diverse, so there’s definitely a lot to do and see. And it’s all possible to do cause the weather is always so nice!

Where to next?

I’m always looking for reasons to go to Paris, but I’d love to visit a place I haven’t been yet, like Croatia, and even Armenia! My family is from there so it would be nice to visit my roots.


Founded in 2015, Kris Chérie was created as my own personal outlet where I can connect and share my personal style, passion, and vision with like-minded individuals. Physically based in Los Angeles, mentally living in Paris – Kris Chérie is an LA girl with Parisian sensibilities. A creative mind can be expressed in many ways, so what better way to showcase that than through a blog.  Kris Chérie is a platform for ambitious go-getters and following a dream, so come as you are and enjoy the ride. Follow Kristine on Instagram and Facebook.

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