Celebrity Travel Addicts: Brian Cox The Travel Vlogger

In today’s Celebrity Travel Addicts Q&A I interview my friend and fellow traveler Brian Cox AKA The Travel Vlogger. Brian hosts and produces some incredible videos using his DSLR and Drone. He’s vlogged in Turkey, Czech Republic, Malaysia, Colombia, the Canary Islands and beyond. See how he plans to inspire us one video at a time. Plus, check out his awesome Top 10 Things to Do in Murcia episode below!

How did your passion for travel get started?

That is difficult to say, I traveled quite a bit as a child but it was not until I did a semester abroad in Australia that I realized my life’s main focus would be traveling.  When I was younger I was all about visiting as many places as I could.  Now I always want to spend more time in each place.

How many days/weeks are you traveling in any given year? What are the types of places do you like to visit? 

Each year on average I am away from home between 4-6 months out of the year.  Normally broken down into trips of 2-4 weeks long.  Lately I have enjoyed visiting more natural settings, from less known destinations.  The idea of visiting a place with little tourist information appeals to me more and more.  

What is it that you want audiences to gain/ learn from your work?  

More than anything, I want to inspire people to travel.  Go outside their comfort zone and learn about other cultures first hand.  My videos are short and concise, I want to share my favorite aspects of a destination…attractions, adventure & culture. 

Name your top three destinations you’ve traveled? 

#1  The next place

#2  Barcelona

#3  Costa Rica


Give us your ‘Top 5’ list for one of these destinations, like a mini-guide or to-do list of sorts 

Barcelona (Summer)

#1 Beaches

#2 Parks

#3 Viewpoints

#4 Tapas/Menu del dia lunch

#5 Nightlife

Costa Rica

#1 Surfing

#2 Explore Rainforest

#3 See Turtles hatch

#4 Zip line

#5 Quad tour 

How many countries have you visited so far? 


Your top three favorite cuisines?  

Not easy.  I will just go with the first 3 that pop into my head.  Spanish/Mediterranean, Mexican and Barbecue.


Favorite restaurant in the world?  

Way too many to mention.  Food has gotten so good everywhere that now the best places for me are the one’s with stunning views.

Your favorite travel movie?  

The first half of The Beach with Leonardo DiCaprio is absolutely stunning.  Also, The Endless Summer is a classic.

Favorite international airport?

Honestly, I think of the airport as a big waiting room.  Airports with lots of electrical outlets are my favorite, and free wifi!

City with the friendliest people?

All cities.

Your favorite traveling companion?

Someone who is open minded, upbeat, loves to meet people and explore.

Best way you kill time while traveling? 

Editing videos, I always have photos and videos that need to be edited and shared on social media.

What is the most exotic place your career has taken you?

That is difficult.  My idea of exotic has changed a lot as I have traveled.  In the past year I have been to Turkey, South Africa and the Czech Republic.   

Your best bit of travel advice for someone who is about to embark on a life of travel?  

Just go!

What are 4 things you could never travel without?

underwear, sunglasses, camera and flip flops.

What is your ultimate dream destination? 


Your favorite travel quote? 

“Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves” -Thoreau

Where to next?  

Not sure. Possibly snowboarding in the rockies, Turkey and Czech Republic.

A lot of your videos are beautiful shot. How do you manage to produce them without a crew?

Lots of practice, it definitely did not happen over night.  My greatest advice to anyone is to keep it simple.


First and foremost, Brian is a traveler always looking to discover new places and people.  His desire to see our planet has taken him to over 50 countries as well as living in Spain, Costa Rica, Colombia and Australia. In dire need of finding funds to continue traveling, he decided to create short informative travel videos to help fellow travelers. In the past five years his video blog, The Travel Vlogger,  has taken him to places he never would have imagined, meeting prime ministers, Michellen star chefs and creating social media campaigns for major companies in the tourism industry.  Most recently he has completed projects with Czech Tourism and Visit Spain.  With +65K followers on social media and a monthly reach of 1-2 Million and growing, he is a social influencer for all things travel.

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