Celebrity Travel Addicts: Johnny Ward of One Step 4 Ward

In today’s Celebrity Travel Addicts Q&A we interview my friend Johnny Ward of One Step 4 Ward. Johnny recently finishing visiting every country in the world and he is world famous for making over $1.5 million through blogging. From Ireland, to Thailand, around the world to every country, without further ado here is Johnny Ward!

How did your passion for travel get started?

It was always about the freedom to be honest buddy, the travel was a symptom of that. I wanted to be able go where I want, when I want, and then once I created the freedom, I decided to try to visit every country in the world!

How many days/weeks are you traveling in any given year? What are the types of places do you like to visit?

9/10 months per year on the road. I will visit anywhere and everywhere, ideally somewhere adventurous with the odd spot of luxury thrown in.

What is it that you want audiences to gain/ learn from your work videos and photography?

I’m no photographer, but I want people to believe that you don’t need to come from a wealthy family, have the right accent, religion, education to succeed, especially now we can use the internet to build our platforms. We can all achieve our dreams now.

Name your top three destinations you’ve traveled?

Honestly, after 197 countries, that’s impossible! I do love rural China, Ethiopia and Iceland off the top of my head though.

Give us your ‘Top 5’ list for one of these destinations, like a mini-guide or to-do list of sorts


Danakil Depression – lowest place on earth, looks like another planet

Mouth to mouth feeding ‘wild’ hyenas in Harar, insane

Addis Ababa – the capital, dodgy nightlife and amazing food. Worth cutting looses for a day or two!

The rift valley – amazing vistas as far as the eye can see.

Shashamane – where rastafarianism comes from.

How many countries have you visited so far?


Your top three favorite cuisines?

Mexican, Thai, Indian

Favorite restaurant in the world?

Wow, tough one. I went to a gorgeous one in Karachi called Kolachi, on the waterfront, amazing

Your favorite travel movie?

Lost in Translation, having lived in Asia straight after finishing uni I could totally relate to the confusion of it all.

Favorite international airport?

Changi I guess, it’s gorgeous!

City with the friendliest people?

Algiers, Algeria – amazing people

Your favorite traveling companion?

My mum is pretty cool! Then a few of my buddies are pretty epic travel pals too, Josh, Paul, Duff. Laid back, like a few too many beers, appreciate the awesomeness of the road.

Best way you kill time while traveling?

Blogging – that’s a win/win.

What is the most exotic place your career has taken you?

It’s tough buddy, I’ve kinda been almost everywhere! Maldives? Seychelles? Palau?

Your best bit of travel advice for someone who is about to embark on a life of travel?

The key to a life of travel is finding a way to fund it, and the best way to do that is online. My advice would always be to start a blog, who knows where that will take you, it changed my life entirely!

What are 4 things you could never travel without?

iPhone, MacBook, international adapter and a powerbank. God that sounds pathetic, haha!

What is your ultimate dream destination?

Summit of Mount Everest, North Pole, South Pole.

Your favorite travel quote?

“You’ll never be as young as you are tonight”

Your currently visiting Norway, country number 197 of 197! What do you like and won’t don’t you like about Norway?

The price of beers at $15 a pint is a killer! But it’s an amazing country, beautiful, uber developed, and with great activities in both summer (fjords, cruises etc) and winter (northern lights, arctic circle, huskies).

What’s your next big goal?

My charity is building another playground for an impoverised school, you can see that at GiveBackGiveAway.com, then I’m off ‘Around the world in 80 days (no flights)’ which should be awesome. Also, racing tuktuks in Sri Lanka with the guys from LargeMinority.com in 2 weeks, super stoked about that too.


Johnny Ward is a lifestyle and travel blogger at OneStep4Ward.com, one of the most followed and read travel blogs in the world. Since leaving Ireland broke, Johnny become the 3rd youngest person ever to visit every country in the world after almost 10 years of full time travel, blogging and building online businesses as he traveled, becoming a millionaire in the process. Johnny now runs his charity, the GiveBackGiveAway.com, where he builds playgrounds for impoverished schools in South East Asia, whilst continuing his travels and blogging and entrepreneurship. You can follow him on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

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  1. Ray says:

    I’ve been following Johnny’s blog for about four years now. Very inspiring guy who has really embraced the term “live life to the fullest.” This was actually a great list of questions you asked, David. Very thought provoking and clearly researched your interviewee before conducting it. These Q & As are a dime a dozen on other blogs and very forgettable as a result. This one, however, is not. Keep up the good work! And Johnny, if you read this, I will be looking forward to following along your next greatest adventures – especially the North Pole, South Pole and Mount Everest!

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