Ways to Help Fund Your Traveling Lifestyle

Are you planning to invest in stocks to fund your traveling lifestyle? If so, the first rule to abide by is investing in what you already know. You must understand what makes a good investment and not simply try to familiarise yourself with the underlying business.

If you know little about investing, it is advisable to read widely and conduct enough research before embracing stock trading. Some of the common styles of investing include the following.

Swing Trading

Swing trading is held longer than is the case with day trading. It is also shorter than a buy and hold investment strategy. Ideally, it is a form of trading where traders capitalise on the price of a stock over a very short period. Most traders prefer companies with high trade volumes, meaning the amount of stocks that change hands each day is huge. The prices in swing trading tend to fluctuate almost all the time. Also, it is not hard to fill orders since there are always traders buying and selling. Your only worry as a trader should be the trends and patterns of trade. One of the best ways to predict the patterns is using a swing chart.

Value Investing

Value investing is about finding undervalued stock prices to earn profits when the prices are still deflated. Because investors have different risk tolerance, value investing can be tricky. Risk-averse investors are interested in seeing cash flow and dividends, while risk takers may want high growth opportunities. Looking at the historical data of a company does not guarantee it will have the same trend in the future. In value investing, it is advisable to buy a stock for less than its worth even if the future value cannot be predicted. It is not just about buying undervalued stocks but buying what is good. A properly undervalued stock is defined by high dividend yields, for example. The greater the yield of dividends, the better the stock. Low price to book value, which compares the market value to that of book value, is also to be considered.

Growth Investing

This method focuses on capital appreciation. Growth stocks increase in value rather than producing high income as is the case with most other investments.

What to Invest In

Planning to invest in stocks is a major step that must be made with a lot of caution. Before embracing it, research ETFs, choose sectors based on certain criteria and stay informed by reading stock analysis articles and following sources such as CMC markets. The types of investments you can embrace to fund your travelling lifestyle include:


In a stock portfolio, bonds are viewed as low-risk accessories. Bonds can be owned through ETFs or mutual funds. When buying a bond, you loan your money to a company for a period. After the maturity period expires, you can expect the entire amount to be paid back. The amount you can make on a bond depends on the company you loan out to. Normally, when the stability of the issuer is small, higher interest rates are expected, given that they are considered to be high risk.

Mutual Funds

Every investor wants to get maximum returns on the investment made. For this reason, studying the stock market and keeping track of what is happening is unavoidable since enough knowledge is required to know what to sell and when to do it. Mutual funds buy and sell securities in high volumes, allowing investors to gain from low trading costs. It is, especially a great sector for people who cannot afford to buy shares from large corporations.

Small-Cap Stocks

Small cap refers to the overall market capitalisation of a company, and these are the stocks that can greatly boost your portfolio. What’s needed is to choose the right stock. As a traveller, there is a lot of convenience in investing in small-cap stocks since they face less competition from large investors.

Large-Cap Stocks

These refer to shares of a large market capitalisation, mostly of well-known companies. The stocks here are stable, making them less likely to go out of business. They are typically safer investments. As a conservative investor, you can also expect dividends.

Penny Stocks

These lack liquidity and are considered as high-risk for investors. Due to the low share prices they present, beginners are tempted to buy them. Understand that when large amounts are put at risk, hoping to gain high returns, there is a risk of substantial loss. Before investing in penny stocks, ensure you understand the risks involved fully.

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