How to Monetize Your Travel Writing Experience

If you love traveling and you are good at writing about it, then you should aim to reach the next level. They say that there is no such thing as perfection but being paid to do what you love most is more than perfect. It is a dream come true. However, like all dreams, it is not easy to make it a reality.

It takes great effort to overcome the harshness of being away from home, always on the road, with sometimes no roof to sleep under. So take your courage in both hands and expect only the best, for there are some great ways to monetize your travel writing experience. And we are sharing them with you. Have a good journey, we can’t wait to read you!

Build a name for yourself

A regular travel lifestyle requires a stable financial support. You can have it but it does take time. If you haven’t started blogging yet but plan to do it very soon, you might fear the lack of credibility. In fact, this is one of the most common concerns people have when launching something new. So, if you think about travel writing as a business, try to establish a connection with your audience before you go. You could offer a sample of your writing. Tell your readers who you are through your writing. Shake hands virtually and introduce yourself. And most importantly, tell them why they should read you. Why are you so special? What are you offering? Maybe you’re sharing original ideas on how to travel at low cost or some tips and tricks on how to make it in a foreign country when out of money. Whatever you choose to pen down, make sure you’re honest. Give them a reason to stay longer than for a scroll. Here are other pieces of advice to follow when you’re just beginning to try to make yourself noticed:

  • Be original. You are no pioneer – you are walking in the footsteps of others. So your main advantage is the enthusiasm and the originality. Sure, there is nothing wrong with finding inspiration from other travel bloggers but try to be unique. Offer something that others can’t. This way your writing will speak for yourself and you will create recognizable content. Your readers will soon notice the difference between you and other writers, and they’ll know who you are.

This will help you build a name and raise awareness. Eventually, you’ll want to be in the top three preferences of your audience. Whenever they are looking for advice or a nice article to read, they have to know you are a reliable option. It’s still a long way until you can make it to the “elite,” but small steps will eventually guide you there if you truly want it. Why is this helpful? Because, more than feeding your ego, it feeds your wallet. It attracts traffic, and traffic generates money.

  • Use Social Media. A lot. Building a social network can only work to your advantage. Not only it is a great way to keep in touch with your audience, but it is also a fantastical option to follow other bloggers, to find daily inspiration and great topics to write on when you’re out of ideas. Remember to utilize as many platforms (such as Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook) as you can to reach as many potential supporters as possible. Remember, everyone isn’t on every platform! If numbers are important to you, you can always buy Twitter followers

Pitch companies

One great way to make sure your travel expenses don’t exceed your (already low) budget is to pitch companies. Trade your skills for goods and services that otherwise will cost you real money. It’s another way to monetize your blog, which isn’t necessarily a constant income but it’ll work to ensure you have basics.

For instance, you can get free accommodation or a good meal in exchange for photos or great video content, depending on what you do best. A good travel blog includes multimedia, not only great written content.

Pitching companies works great, especially if you have just started out and don’t have a great reach yet. So instead of just writing an article and sharing it on Social Media, like other experienced bloggers do, you can offer your knowledge in return. We’d suggest you do your homework first. Look for companies that need your services and make them an offer they can’t refuse. Be ready to be rejected, although this doesn’t have to stop you from trying again, and again, and again.

Actually, to help you out, we’ve gathered some tips you can use to successfully approach companies.

  • Share the same values. It will be easier to get a big “yes” from a company if you share the same interests. Your readers will know when an article is far-fetched, plus, you won’t enjoy writing it. So, for instance, if you support a healthy, green environment, then writing about a big transport company, which is a colossal pollutant, isn’t a great idea. Try to discuss one that supports electric cars or riding bicycles to work instead. It fits your beliefs better.
  • Be concise. Time is money, there’s no secret about it. So don’t waste it on long introductory lines. Get to the point, be very concise and convincing. Yes, it is as difficult as it sounds, especially for a traveling blogger who loves writing stories. But try thinking like a marketer, it will help, we promise.
  • Make your terms clear. It is important that you don’t go around the point. Make a clear statement about what exactly you are offering in exchange for a service. Leave no room for interpretation. So, instead of being shy, just move directly to the point and make a clear statement. “I can offer two articles and a dozen of professional photos in exchange for two nights of accommodation for two people.” Just like that. The answer can be either yes or no, or maybe you can negotiate.

Affiliate Marketing

One of the easiest and the most enjoyable ways to monetize your travel blog writing is to write for affiliates. It is a constant income that comes from doing what you do best. How does it work exactly? You sign up to different affiliate programs, get a partnership, insert a link into your article, and then get paid as readers click on that link and make purchases. One advice we can give is to always offer valuable content, no matter if your articles include links or not. Ultimately, it is your audience that’s giving you the daily impulse to go on.

Plus, inserting random links won’t generate money just like that. You have to make sure your writing is relevant and engaging. Writing SEO friendly content is a great plus, so bear this in mind too.

Sell more than content

In this world of traveling, taking risks is key. So why don’t you dare to do more, to be different? Nowadays, the technology is an amazing instrument that you can use to your advantage. You can sell custom photos, for instance, or handmade bracelets that smell like sea and sand and the rocks of the Grand Canyon. There are so many ideas and this market has such a great potential that you just have to remember one thing: the sky’s the limit!

Write reviews

If you have survived the first six months of traveling without storming your savings, then it’s time to go further. Your writing is your business card, so use it to make a good impression. Always pay attention to details, for they can make the difference between a regular service and an extraordinary one. For instance, a complimentary cup of tea just before going to sleep or a free good morning coffee weighs a lot. Include this in your review; for a tired traveler, it can mean the world.

So take your backpack and your camera and go see the world. Tell everybody what you’re doing and how much you’re enjoying it. Even the worst of moments are worth sharing. It won’t be only milk and honey, write about the bitter times too. The money will come as you go further and further.

Lori Wade is a freelance content writer for Thriving Writer who is interested in a wide range of spheres from education and online marketing to entrepreneurship. She is also an aspiring tutor striving to bring education to another level like we all do. If you are interested in writing, you can find her on Twitter or Google+ or find her on other social media. Read and take over Lori’s useful insights!

Any other ideas on how to monetize your travel writing experience? We, just like dozens of other writers, would love to hear them!

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