The Ultimate Indian Haircut Experience – Full Shave + Massage | Kolkata, India

In the middle of our traditional Bengali breakfast food tour in Decker Lane during our third day in Kolkata, our new friend Anirban took me and my travel buddy Sam to a local barbershop where we could get haircuts, shaves, and massages. Come along with me as I have the ultimate Indian haircut experience in Kolkata, India!

While we were on our breakfast food tour in Decker Lane, we spotted a hole-in-the-wall barbershop called N.S. Barbar Shop. My hair and beard had gotten much longer than I like during my trip. So, I took the opportunity to get a haircut, shave, and head massage. I couldn’t wait!

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While a haircut here costs 40 rupees, Sam and I offered the barber 500 rupees (roughly $11 U.S.) so he could close down the shop for 30 minutes. That way, we could both get the full experience and film it all. I decided to go with my personal favorite, a skin fade. It was so relaxing to sit in the chair with the fans on. We had gotten up at six in the morning and had gone non-stop since then, so it was extra relaxing!

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As I got my cut, Anirban explained why Indian barbers are so good at what they do. It’s because they are extremely experienced and skilled and know how to make you look good. I was very impressed with my barber’s blending skills. He was good at keeping my look shaven at the bottom and gradually more hair as you go up. It’s so hard to get that right, but he did a fantastic job!  

My barber also gave me a face massage before he started the actual shaving process. It was really nice and calming, even though he sprayed me in the face with water a few times with no warning. He used a special brush to apply the shaving cream to my beard and used a new razor to cut it. His technique was nice and smooth. Unfortunately, I had a few pimples under my beard, so I bled a little. But he took care of that right away.  

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We left my mustache and the barber moved on to blending my sideburns, and then it was on to the head massage. It may not look relaxing, but it was heaven! It was so incredible that I almost fell asleep as he massaged my scalp, temple, and eyebrows. Without question, the best face massage I’ve ever gotten.

Then, he moved on to my upper back and shoulders, which had been carrying the weight of my camera equipment for weeks. I felt like a million bucks afterward! This Indian haircut experience was even better than I thought it would be!

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Then it was Sam’s turn to get a cut. 

The guy was so skilled that we gave him another 500 rupees! I want to go back to India for all of my haircuts now!

I hope you liked this video of my Indian haircut experience at N.S. Barbar Shop in Kolkata! If you did, please give it a thumbs up and leave me a comment below. Also, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and click the notification bell so you don’t miss any of my upcoming travel/food adventures!

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