Fun Things to Do on a Plane – Make Your Travel Enjoyable

Flying is fun when it is a short distance. But long flights are exhausting and can feel like the longest part of the whole journey. But if you have the right mindset and a few ideas for having fun, you can make your flight a relaxing experience. You can even get productive!

Be it an international flight or a domestic one, here are 15 fun things to do on a plane. 

1. Binge-Watch In-Flight Entertainment

Binge-Watch In-Flight Entertainment

Most airlines now have inflight entertainment systems with a wide selection of content. Take advantage of it. Watch blockbuster films and foreign language cinema, or binge-watch the latest season of your favorite show.

Pro Tip: Be sure to download any movies or shows you want to watch ahead of time in case your airline’s selection is limited.

2. Enjoy Some Classic Card Games

Pass the time the old-fashioned way with a deck of playing cards. Bring a small game mat or clipboard to keep the cards on your limited tray table space. Card games are a great way to occupy yourself. You can go solo with games like Solitaire or have friendly competitions with travel companions with games like Go Fish, War, etc.

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3. Lose Yourself in an Audiobook or Podcast

Lose Yourself in an Audiobook or Podcast

Audio entertainment is a great way to relax. It’ll help you keep your hands free and your mind engaged. You can download a selection of audiobooks, podcasts, or music playlists before your flight so you can listen to them without the need for Wi-Fi or constant screen time. 

Pro tip: Use high-quality noise-canceling headphones for the best listening experience.

4. Flex Your Mental Muscles with Puzzles

Flex Your Mental Muscles with Puzzles

You can use this time to challenge your brain. Try crosswords, word searches, Sudoku, and more. You either bring a book of puzzles or download a digital version onto your device. This is both an entertaining and a productive way to pass the hours in the air.

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5. Get Lost in a Good Book

The classic airplane pastime remains as popular as ever. Have a few good books to choose based on what you are in the mood to read. You can either carry a physical book, e-book, or magazine! Getting lost in a book will for sure make time fly by. 

6. Learn a New Language

Learning a new language might seem a bit too much. But being multi-lingual has many benefits. You do not have to learn it all, just how to communicate the basics. A long flight is a great time to tip your toes in a new language. 

Download a language learning app, listen to audio lessons, or simply practice vocabulary and grammar. Gaining even just a few new words can be incredibly rewarding, especially if you’ll be using the language at your destination.

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7. Practice Mindfulness and Self-Care

Have a guided meditation ready at hand. Download it and add it to your playlist. Choose this time to practice mindfulness. You can also download a gentle seated movement, streches and relaxation guide. Just make sure to not bother other passengers. 

You can use this time to journal and self-reflect as well. Or you can enjoy a mini spa moment with some travel-friendly toiletries like a no-mess face mask. 

8. Maximize Your Productivity

Flights give enough time to get things done. Turn your flight into a mobile office. Catch up on emails, draft documents, edit photos, or finalize your trip itinerary. The added advantage is that there will not be the usual distractions of daily life.

Pro Tip: Bring a portable charger to keep your devices powered up.

9. Play Games with Seatmates

Strike up friendly competition or conversation with your neighbors. Classic travel-friendly options include 20 Questions, Would You Rather, I Spy, and more. Just be mindful of noise levels and keep things lighthearted. Make sure that you’re not annoying them. 

10. Gaze Out the Window

Gaze Out the Window

If nothing else works, simply enjoy the in-flight experience. Look out the window and see the constantly changing landscape below. Try to spot landmarks, cloud formations, and other natural wonders. Have a map with you to make it a fun game. 

11. Doodle or Draw

If you are the type of person that is relaxed with drawing, do that on the plane! It is creative as well! Carry a small sketchpad and drawing tools. You can doodle patterns, sketch the view out the window, or even try your hand at the caricatures of your fellow passengers (though you may want to keep those to yourself!). Just relax and be creative!

12. Write in a Journal

Love to write? Put pen to paper and chronicle your travels. You can use this time to reflect on your trip so far. If you are a writer, try a poem, a short story, or simply ideas. You use this time to brain-dump your worries on paper and relax. You can use this time to journal some positive reinforcements as well. The simple act of handwriting can be therapeutic and help pass the time.

Pro tip: Have some writing prompts downloaded to practice your creativity and writing skills. 

13. Organize Your Photos

Organize Your Photos

Use your flight time productively by sorting through and editing your travel photos. Delete any duds, tweak your favorites, and start planning how you’ll share your memories when you land. Having a clean, organized photo library will make it easy to relive and share your adventures later.

Pro Tip: Bring a portable charger to keep your devices powered up for photo editing.

14. Write Letters or Postcards

Writing a letter is a lost art in this digital age. Use your flight time to compose thoughtful missives to loved ones back home. Share updates on your adventures. You can even get a head start on postcards to send from your destination.

15. Plan Your Upcoming Trips

If you have an upcoming trip, use this time to plan your itinerary. Buy some great guidebooks, download a few blogs for hidden gems in your destination, and start mapping out the perfect day-by-day schedule. Getting excited about future adventures is a great way to pass the time!


When it comes to making the most of your time on a plane, the key is variety. Have a few different engaging activities planned. You can seamlessly transition between tasks to keep yourself occupied, productive, and even refreshed for the duration of your flight. 
You can use these 15 fun things to do on a plane to make your next long flight feel like nothing. Have a safe flight!

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