Touring Toledo, Spain’s Best Restaurants: Fine Dining at Locum

David’s Been Here is touring the Castilla La Mancha city of Toledo, in search of the best food and restaurants in the area. Here David visits Restaurant Locum, which in Latin translates to ‘the Place’. Follow along with David as heads inside to test the atmosphere, customer service and food, seeing if this really is the place to be in Toledo. Open in 2003, Locum is situated in a beautiful 17th Century building with an open Arab style feel to the restaurant. Serving up delicious local wines, entrées and main dishes with impeccable customer service- David agrees that this is, in fact, ‘the place’ to eat in Toledo. Try any of their specialties from codfish to cochinillo and they’re guaranteed to be delicious. For more information on visiting Locum and all Toledo’s top restaurants, check out the David’s Been Here Guide to Castilla La Mancha, now available for your Kindle as well.

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