60 Instagram Pics That Will Make You Want to Visit Serbia & Bosnia Now

On my recent trip to Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina I was stunned by its natural beauty and the incredible hospitality of the people! I have been active on Instagram for the better part of three years now documenting my trips daily with hopes to inspire more people to travel to undiscovered destinations like these two countries.

Here are my top 60 Instagram pics that I know will inspire you to add Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina to your bucket list now!


Kalemegdan, Belgrade

 Kalemegdan Fortress in Belgrade

Belgrade Skyline

 Belgrade Skyline


 BBQ Lunch at Comunale Restaurant, Belgrade


 Knez Mihajlova the main pedestrian street in Belgrade


 Kalemegdan Fortress Gate in Belgrade


 Drinking Rakija with friends


 Trying Burek for the first time


 The Stunning Golubac Fortress on the Danube River


 View of the Danube river from the top of Smederevo Fortress


 Smederevo Fortress from below


 Roman Ruins of Sirium in Sremska Mitrovica


Tomb of a Roman Noble in Sirmium, Sremska Mitrovica


Statue of Emperor Constantine the Great in Nis

See our article: Travel Guide to Nis: What to See and Do


 Entering Nis Fortress


Roman Tomb Stones in Nis Fortress


 Roman Columns at Felix Romuliana


 The Gate of Felix Romunliana


 Wine Bottles in Jovic Winery, Knjaževac


 Drinking wine, rakija and brandy in Jovic Winery, Knjaževac


 Beautiful old town of Knjaževac


The Nisava river in Nis after heavy rains


 Skull Tower in Nis, a darker look into Serbian history


 Dining in Leskovac, the BBQ capital of Serbia


 Roman Mosaic in Justinana Prima


 Colorful Skyline of Novi Sad


Petrovaradin Fortress in Novi Sad


Golden Roman Helmet in Vojvodina Museum, Novi Sad


View of the Danube from Petrovaradin Fortress, Novi Sad


Tasting Wines in Zivanovic Winery, Sremski Karlovci

Bosnia & Herzegovina


Srebrenik Fortress, Bosnia’s best-preserved medieval castle


My First Bosnian Cevapi in Srebrenik Town


Beautiful Bosnian Countryside


The Eternal Flame in Sarajevo


Drinking traditional Bosnian coffee in Sarajevo


 At the spot where Francis Ferdinand was Assassinated, Sarajevo


 Hiking in the countryside


Visegrad “UNESCO” Ottoman Bridge


View of Travnik from the Ottoman Fortress


Goulash, Steak and Vegetables at Restaurant Dveri, Sarajevo


Old Stone Bridge in Konjic


The best view of Mostar from the top of a minaret


16th century Muslibegovic Turkish House, Mostar

Cevabdzinica_Tima _Irma_Restaurant_Mostar_Bosnia_Herzegovina

 Crazy spread of delicious Bosnian food at restaurant Tima-Irma, Mostar


Vineyards outside of Mostar


Dverish House and Buna River in Blagaj


Stari Most, 16th century reconstructed Ottoman bridge of Mostar


Ruins of the Roman Villa of Mogorjelo, Čapljina


Medjugorje right before 6 P.M. mass


Kravice Waterfalls near Mostar


View of Pocitelj medieval town from the top of the Fortress


One of many chiseled tomb stones at Radimlja, Stolac


Walking around Trebinje


The Ottoman bridge of Trebinje


Monastery and houses in Trebinje


Pliva Waterfall in Jajce


View over the Medieval town of Jajce


Panorama of Vrbas River on the way to Banja Luka


Entering the Fortress of Banja Luka


Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, Banja Luka

I would encourage anyone who loves history, food and wine to explore the beautiful countries of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. I spent 24 wonderful days exploring them both and getting to know the big cities as well as the countryside, ancient ruins, and the local gastronomy. Please stay tuned as we will be publishing lots more material on these two countries in the coming months!

Did you enjoy our pics of Serbia and Bosnia? Have you been to either of these countries? If so, we would love to hear about your favorite places to eat, stay, and see! 

Special thanks to XShot, Car Rentals UK, Belgrade VIP, Serbia Travel, and BH Tourism.

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  1. Dusan says:

    Great photos David! So many interesting spots to visit and to discover in both countries! I can recommend you for your next visit both Western and Eastern Serbia. You can find some breathtaking viewpoints and amazing hiking trails! Check out more: http://balkanway.com/ Cheers!

    • David says:

      thank you!

  2. Mira says:

    These are really beautiful pictures! In the summer I want to go to Bosnia with my girlfriend. We do not take our own car and we are looking for the best way to travel in this country. The best option seems company Shuttle Kor – http://www.shuttlekor.com/

    Do you have some experience with them? Thank you


    • David says:

      Hi Mira,

      Thanks for writing me. I do not have experience with Shuttle Kor, but they look good! Let me know if you need any further information about Bosnia and Herzegovina!

  3. Bora says:

    İt s amazing beatifull country and nice people..I was there last year.By the way I ll tell u my experience on Avis Office in Nicola Tesla Airport.I rent eco car over internet for 112 Euro which was fully paid.İt was fully paid therefore I never tought there was a game or hidden cost.They asked me sign on computer screen to get the car.I didnt see any papers..I never ask them extra insurance or what ever.But when I returned my country they withdrawed 500 euro from my card.They took my signature from computer and prepared fake bills which includes 5-6 different extra services which I never asked them..Pls never Rent a Car in Nicola Tesla Avis office.This is real thing happened me…I called them and asked they said ” this cost comes from winter tires insurance,IT SERVİCE?SWDS service ?Bla bla bla….Car rent 112 USD ,winter tires and other extra things cost me 500 Euro even I never asked them ..İf u go there never use Nicola Tesla Airport Avis Office,they cheat the people…

    • David says:

      That sounds terrible! I am so sorry that you had that experience at Avis. I hope the rest of your trip went well and that you had a good time despite this bad experience.

  4. David says:

    Thank you for these beautiful images..ive lived in Belgrade my whole life but getting to see my hometown here makes me smile! Ive visited Bosnia a few times, and finally my Bosnian friends get to come to Belgrade! Ive put them in http://www.beograd-apartmani.net/ in the center of the city cuz its near most of the things youve posted! And i honestly hope that youve managed to visit Skadarlija (the bohemian quarter)! Especially if you liked rakija and our food! Hopefully we`ll get to see new 60 pics in a year or two!:)

  5. Vlada Vladic says:

    Great job David…I just returned from Serbia and Bosnia after visiting similar places brining beautiful memories and photos back with me…..I am taking my filming crew back to Serbia and Bosnia next year to do a mini-series on these beautiful countries…..See you there!

    • David says:

      Hi Vlada, thanks for stopping by! I am so glad that you loved your trip to Serbia and Bosnia. I also was very impressed by all of the natural beauty and history in those countries. What is the name of the series?

  6. Lavi says:

    What a great pictures! I’m going there on a trip and need help with transportation. Friends recommended me to use the bus. I found the company called Shuttle Kor (www.shuttlekor.com)… Anyone have experience with this transport company? Thx

  7. Narine84 says:

    Wow these are just beautiful, I think I’m in love 🙂 I am a huge fan of Belgrade, I’ve been there just once, 6-7 years ago. And now I’m so happy because I’m going to visit it again! This time I want to travel around Serbia little more. I’m trying to find a place to stay and I’m not sure which is the best website for that (I’ve tried http://www.apartmani-u-beogradu.com/ so far…) Any other suggestions would be of a great help, thanks!

    • David says:

      I would also suggest checking on HouseTrip and Airbnb. Good luck and safe travels!

  8. ZIKA says:


  9. Featured Destination of the Month: Serbia - Alliance Abroad Group says:

    […] For a quick visual tour of what makes Serbia special, check out these compelling Instagram pictures. […]

  10. Slavisa says:

    I’m from Serbia I had no idea Smederevo was in Serbia, I always thought it was in Russia lol

    • David says:

      It’s a great place to visit! Thanks for stopping by and leaving us a comment.

  11. Ariana says:

    Love this post! Trebinje is my birthtown 🙂 sydney is my adopted home but Bosnia will always be in my heart, which is my next month is my 4th trip back in two years! Cant wait to live in Mostar for two months!


    • David says:

      Hi Ariana,

      Thank you for commenting!!! I love Trebinje and Mostar. Such incredible places!!

  12. Kristina says:

    This is wonderful! I’m glad you enjoyed it and had fun, Bosnia is a really great place to be 🙂 Now I miss my Sarajevo. I moved to New York 7 years ago, but I would give anything to eat ćevapi and take a walk around Baščaršija right now…

    • Nikola says:

      vodi i mene 😛

  13. Tom says:


    nice pictures, it’s typical Bosnia 🙂 To me, it’s a secret gem of Europe. For more pictures, you can see my article with 10 day travel plan to Bosnia & Herzegovina based on my 2 trips to Bosnia. Map and detailed info included! Enjoy balkaans!


  14. “DAVID’S BEEN HERE” - U POSETI VINARIJI JOVIĆ - Wine matchWine match says:

    […] Poznati američki „video“ putopisac i vlasnik popularnog sajta davidsbeenhere.com, Dejvid Hofman je nedavno posetio Srbiju i obišao Leskovac, Niš, Knjaževac, Gamzigrad, , Sremsku Mitrovicu, Smederevo, Golubac, Beograd, Novi Sad i Sremske Karlovce. Neke od njegovih fotografija sa tog putovanja možete pogledati na Instagramu. […]

  15. Dijana says:

    Well those pictures are just part of our countries beauties,the rest of Serbia is also very beautiful,I wish there were more pictures .For example I know that most people here would like to see what Sjenicko jezero looks like and monasteries are our national treasure (they are all beautiful in their own way).

  16. Anastas says:

    Thanks ! This is amazing! Let God give you one more chace to expand experience on Montenegro also… It has its beauties 🙂

  17. lela says:

    sooo great photos,next time Valjevo,west Serbia is waiting for you,culture,food,peoples,places,nature ,evrything is nice in Serbia congrats David for this beautiful photos and great travel

    • David says:

      Thanks Lela!

  18. Adnan says:

    You should’ve visited Sanski Most. Be sure to visit it next time 🙂

    • David says:

      I will! Thank you for the advice and for dropping by to leave us a comment.

  19. Tarik says:

    Thank you very much David for beautifull photos from Serbia and Bosnia. As a native from Mostar I am always glad to see hometown with its surroundings ( Blagaj, Pocitelj, Kravice …). Hercegovina is really amazing. Cheers from Oslo, Norway

    • David says:

      Thank you Tarik! Mostar was amazing. Nothing but good things to say about both of these places!

  20. Andrija says:

    You need to visit Vrnjačka Banja,Serbia. 😀

  21. Mike R says:

    Been to both countries multiple times. Love the view, people and food.

    • David says:

      me too!

    • David says:

      Wow beautiful Canyon!!!!

  22. Edina says:

    Great photos! Good to see that other people also noticet he beautiful country we have, unfortunately our politicians don’t.
    Anyway, for the next time I recommend you to visit Bihac and Una national park,in Bosnia 🙂

  23. Biljana says:

    Beautiful pictures, thank you for visiting and spending 24 days – no rush and that is the right way to visit these countries – everything is in slow motion there. I am from small town of Sabac along river Sava 80km from Belgrade where I studied and lived before coming to Johannesburg 24 years ago. Can’t wait to travel to Bosina and Croatia again after so many years, your photos brought back some good memories. Thank you.

    • David says:

      Wow thank you Biljana! I need to also return. Its a balkan thing!

  24. nermina says:

    Ko zeli posjetiti Tuzlu, pozivam ga da bude moj gost u periodu od juna do septembra u to vrijeme su otvorena Panonska jezera, jedinstvena slana vjestacka jezera. Sifra PLAZA ISPOD MOG PROZORA!

    • David says:

      Thank you for commenting Nermina!

  25. Alex says:

    David, thank you for shedding a different and positive light on Serbia and our culture! You are always welcome!

    Cheers from N. Sad 🙂

    • David says:

      Thanks Alex!

  26. Биљана says:

    David, thank you for beautiful photos! For the next visit to Serbia I recommended you to visit Ovčarsko-kablarska gorge in western Serbia! 🙂 Greetings from Čačak! 😉

  27. Nikola says:

    you forget to post something amazing in belgrade! This!

    • David says:

      I went there too!

  28. Mina says:

    The photos are stunning, simply breathtaking! They make me want to go there and experience all of it for myself… GREAT work, you’re sooooo talented 🙂

    • David says:

      Thank you Mina! I do try 😉

  29. Milena says:

    David, this is amazing! I always wanted to show my foreign friends how beautiful my country (Serbia) is and why they should come and visit but I think you did it better than I would! There’s sightseeing, food, history… Brilliant. The pictures also made me eager to go to some of the places like Gamzigrad (Felix Romuliana), Knjaževac, Sremska Mitrovica and Bosnia that I haven’t visited before. Hope you’ll visit us again soon! Greetings from Belgrade 😀

    • David says:

      Yes your country is the best! I fell in love with Serbia. To much history and things to see and do. I will be back in Belgrade for sure!

  30. Olivera says:

    you must visit canyon of Uvac next time. You will love that. Try google photo first

    • David says:

      Wow I just googled it and it looks amazing!

  31. NoName says:

    Awesiome photos, but what about Una river, waterfalls, rafting… The most amazing place in Bosnia in National park Una…

    • David says:

      I know! Next time I will go.

    • David says:

      hey the link is broken. But I will google it now!

  32. Sabina says:

    Hi David, from a Bosnian living in the USA, your pictures of Bosnia and Serbia are amazing. You have seen so much in such a short period of time, whatever you missed, there is always a next time 🙂 Thanx for visiting Bosnia and showing others the true beauty of it.

    • David says:

      Thank you Sabina! Bosnia is such an incredible place that is in my heart forever! Where are you living in the states?

  33. Diana Rodic says:

    Thankyou David for sharing beautiful photos of my country..<3

    • David says:

      No problem! Thank you for commenting.

  34. Snežana says:

    Thanks David. You’re welcome any time! Superb photos and positive message for further visitors! :*

    • David says:

      Thank you Snezana for stopping by! I always promote Bosnia and Serbia as I love them both 😉

  35. Joseph Martinico says:

    I lived and worked in the FRY for many years during the conflict administering Humanitarian Aid. The FRY is one of the most beautiful places that I have been to even during adverse times. Hopefully one day soon I will return this time as a tourist. A must see place.

    • David says:

      Thanks Joseph! It has changed completely since the war.

  36. Tamara says:

    You should also visit Pančevo. It’s one really beautiful town. Trust me. 🙂
    And, this is really great, those pictures. They’re wonderful. 🙂

    • David says:

      It looks very nice! Thank you for stopping by Tamara. Next time I will visit Pančevo!!! 😉

  37. Merima says:

    I know that you were not long in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. You have seen many great things but tell me did you ate cevape in Sarajevo. If not then you didn’t really experience Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    • David says:

      I ate it almost every day!

  38. zlatu says:

    I might be late for commenting since you were here in 2014, but you should visit Tuzla too. I don’t know if you have heard of Panonian lakes? Love the pictures btw

    • David says:

      Thanks Zlatu! Yes I visited near Tuzla to Srebrenik fortress. Unfortunately I had limited time and had to keep driving to make it to Sarajevo before nightfall. Panonian Lake, yes I did hear but again 13 days was not enough in BiH 🙁

  39. Amila says:

    Great job David!!!!

    • David says:

      thank you!!!!

    • David says:

      thanks for sharing Aan! Yes it was amazing.

  40. Ena says:

    Dear David,

    I want to thank you for visiting Bosnia and Herzegovina. Just wanted to tell you that Bihac is a must. I think there isn’t such amount of a beauty like there is in Bihac. Try to google river Una, Strbacki buk and you’ll see what I’m talking about. 🙂

    • David says:

      Ena yes I heard about it but I didn’t have enough time. I was there for 13 days and I was trying my best to see it all 🙂

  41. Bosnian says:

    Excellent pictures, but I cant believe that you didn’t eat cevapi in Sarajevo, because that is city where cevapi are national food. Next time dont forget 😀

    • David says:

      I did eat Cevapi in Sarajevo but the pictures I took with my iPhone weren’t the best because it was nighttime. Next time I will post more from Sarajevo.

  42. mimi says:

    a little tip for the next time: don’t eat burek with a knife and a fork, use your hands, it is delicious that way 😉

    • David says:

      I will take your advice, Mimi!

  43. Eileen Pressler says:

    No place like home. My husband and I haved lived in Sarajevo 15 years working as volunteers. I still can’t believe I get to do this. We were visiting family in the U.S. This year for two months. Missed it so much. Above is our Website about what we do. Look us up next time you are here.

    • David says:

      Hi Eileen, thanks for your comment. Will definitely check out your site!

  44. Alma says:

    Thank you so much for this….pictures are amazing…and thank you for posting the picture of a old bridge in Konjic, my hometown…xD

    • David says:

      No problem Alma! Konjic was beautiful. Next time I will spend more time in the area.

  45. Ines says:

    Hi Dave,
    Beautiful pictures!
    I am now living in Australia but I was born in Serbia in a town called Subotica (Szabadka in Hungarian). It is 100 km North of Novi Sad and also in the region of Vojvodina. It is a beautiful town of 100,000 and before the war was a hub! I highly recommend going to check out Subotica and Palic (which is a beautiful lake and city next to Subotica) and also the surrounding tiny farming towns in the area of Vojvodina. It all has en eclectic mix of Serbian and Hungarian culture as it belonged to the Hungarians before WWI. Happy travels!

    • David says:

      Hi Ines,

      Yes I know where it is. I wanted to go when we were in Novi Sad but we had only three days so not enough time to drive north and see the city. Next time we will stop there or cross over from Hungary.

  46. Marko says:

    Dear David,
    Thank you for this amazing pictures, thank you for presenting our countries in such a good way. Please come again, there are much more things to see and to visit, big number of beautiful places, with nice stories and interesting history. I’ll be glad to be your host.
    Greetings from Herzegovina

  47. Dino says:

    I’m speechless, so thankful that our countries are getting the wonderful attention they deserve. I can tell David had fun and the pictures of food…O M G! If I could beam myself there now. On your next trip to Bosnia I’d suggest you stop by the northwest a bit. The area around Bihac has amazing white water rafting, Kozara near Prijedor (my hometown) is beautiful to hike, relax and see some WWI remnants or the falls of Martin Brod. All of former Jugolavija is beautiful so you can’t really go wrong with stopping in BiH, HR, SRB, CG, MK or SLO 🙂

    • David says:

      I always like covering destinations that don’t get the recognition they deserve. This particular trip was incredible in so many ways and I was happy to do it. Everyone was so friendly! Thanks again for the suggestions and I will definitely try to get out there again and visit more parts of Bosnia. Too much to see!

  48. Sanja says:

    Amazing pics, thank you so much for this! I shared it on my fb account 🙂 I was thinking that maybe Canyons of the Uvac and Tara rivers in Serbia, or Tara Rafting might be interesting to mention as well?

    • David says:

      Hi Sanja, thanks for the share. Unfortunately I didn’t get a chance to raft or see the Uvac Canyons but I look forward to returning to Serbia and doing everything I missed 🙂 Thanks for your comment!

  49. Giulia Blocal says:

    wow! amazing pics! I just came back from Belgrade this morning, I am updating many pics on my Instagram account about Belgrade and Guca Festival, please check it here http://instagram.com/giulia_blocal_blog 🙂

  50. Trideset Instagram fotografija zbog kojih morate posjetiti BiH | BH plus says:

    […] svom blogu, David je izdvojio po 30 Instagram fotografija koje je uradio u srbijanskim i bh. […]

  51. Tatyana says:

    Beautiful photos! I am currently in Serbia and wanted to go to some of the places with a friend who is studying Roman architecture and is visiting this region for a few weeks this summer. Curious about your mode of transportation. We were thinking about a bus but not sure if a bus would stop by Felix Romuliana. How far is it from Zaječar?

    • David says:

      Hi Tatyana,
      I drove there. I am not sure how far it is from Zajecar though.

  52. Una says:

    Great photos, but i didn’t see river Una on these photos, how come you didn’t visit that part of Bosnia?! 🙂

    • David says:

      Unfortunately we missed the River Una 🙁 Next time!

  53. Allan Alday says:

    These pictures made me want to go visit Bosnia again and explore other cities. Had the opportunity to visit Banja Luka twice. I had an awesome time meeting friendly, hospitable people. And eating delicious food. Your pics made me hungry. BL, moi grad! 🙂

    • David says:

      Allan I know what you mean. The people are amazing and the food is out of control!!

  54. Драгана says:

    You visited Sremska Mitrovica :D! Did you like it? And just one little thing… it is roman ruins of Sirmium 🙂

    • David says:

      Yes I loved it!

  55. Miljan says:

    I’m amazed that you have visited Jović in Knjaževac!!! One of my favourite winemakers in Serbia. Great job!

    • David says:

      It was amazingly good wine!

  56. Milica says:

    Extraordinary. Serbian touristic potential is not well known. Thank You.

    • David says:

      So underrated I agree.

  57. Dragana says:

    It’s just lovely, isn’t it?!!!!! These pictures make me even more homesick for my countrieS!!! 🙂 Thank you David for sharing! ☆

    • David says:

      Hi Dragana, thanks for the comment! You’re welcome. I absolutely loved it.

  58. Dijana L. says:

    Thank you David!!!!!! I had to share on FB, Now I miss home and I am hungry too

    • David says:

      Dijana I am sure! Thank you for commenting. Where are you living now?

      • Sanja says:

        Hey there, I am from Subotica, used to live close to the lake 5 years back, currently living abroad.
        It is the special architectural style, Art Nouveau http://www.visitsubotica.rs/en/category/81 that makes Subotica really special. But I am sure you’d find many other things as well, such as great wine, or thermal spas.

  59. Sanna says:

    Beautiful !!! Now homesick is killing me:))) ( I just moved to Canada.. ) But, next time you need to visit most beautiful city Subotica and the Lake Palic.

    • David says:

      Yes I have to visit up there. Sanna you are from Subotica?

  60. Rajvosa says:

    Well, there is much more in Sarajevo then this little photo of spot where Francis Ferdinand was assassinated and photo of eternal flame. just saying.. 😀

    • David says:

      Rajvosa I know! I just wanted to show all the parts that people don’t see. Thank you for commenting!

  61. Rajvosa says:

    Pa i Sarajevo je u BiH, kako to ga ga izostaviste iz ovog..??
    Nije valjda da se nema ništa pokazati osim one male sličice vječne vatre..

    • David says:

      What did you say ?

  62. Aljosa says:

    Nice food from Dveri restourant in Sarajevo I could eat it now, you should try Bosnian cakes for example baklava or tulumbe. Nice photos and welcome again in Bosnia and Herzegovina

    • David says:

      We tried both Baklava and Tulumbe and they were yummmmmy!

  63. Adam says:

    Lucky you managed to go out before floods :O

    Some notes tho: Cevapcici: I hope you ate them in Sarajevo as well, because that’s where they come from.
    Burek: I hope you ate an actual burek in Bosnia, in other surrounding countries they call everything with paste in oven a “Burek”, just like they put pork in cevapcici.

    Tried the lamb, it’s a specialty in Herzegovina? 😀
    Tasted all kinds of rakija in Serbia? They are the champs of it! Good thing you visited Leskovac, going thru Serbia and missing out on their BBQ is nearly considered a sin haha

  64. Christine says:

    I recently travelled to Serbia to visit my family and I really enjoyed seeing how another person views the same places I visited. Your photos really captured the essence of Serbia. It is such a beautiful country only surpassed by the amazing warmth of the Serbian people.

  65. Amila says:

    Hi David,
    I found a link to your photos in a Bosnian newspaper. Thank you so much for sharing your story and travel photos, they are just amazing. Would do anything for cevapi and peksimeti with fresh cheese from Mostar ( I am Bosnian living in Denmark).

  66. Mirza says:

    Great photos! And you went to my hometown as well – Jajce. I hope you enjoyed it! AND because of people like you, the world will have a better understanding that Bosnia (and Serbia) is more than just a notion of the unfortunate war that struck us. Thank you!

    • David says:

      Hi Mirza, thanks for your comment and sorry for the late reply. I’m glad you liked the pictures! I agree that travel professionals should focus more on the beauty of the countries present day instead of the war. The people there are moving forward and I’m excited to see where the tourism industry is headed. It has so much potential for all types of travel.

  67. Aldijana says:

    Thank you so much for beautiful photos. I’m from Mostar and enjoy all things historic, it’s nice to see that people think there is more to Balkans than hatred and the bloodbath that happened so many years ago. Even with all that there are so many beautiful things to see. Thanks again!

  68. iva says:

    Hey David, thanks for these lovely photos! It made me actually planning my next vacation to visit (or revisit) some places in Bosnia, at first Trebinje, where I lived for 4 years. The bridge which you named Ottoman Bridge is called Arslanagica Most (Arslanagic Bridge). In the pic you can see the square forward part of the bridge – it is common hidden place for teenagers to have their first kiss with the loved ones 🙂
    Another place that I recommend you to visit next time you come to region is Catovica Mlini in Montenegro – a heaven on earth http://www.livingmontenegro.com/files/2013/04/Catovica-1-edited.jpg

  69. Dragan says:

    Dave, thank you. Great tour.
    Is that you on pic in Sarajevo ?

  70. Jovana Karac says:

    Thank you so much David for beautiful pictures and nice words about my country. I live in US now and honestly if people have heard about former Yugoslavia,most of them think about war and have bad feelings towards. I am grateful that there are people like you trying to show the positive side. Btw I have little bit of tears in my eyes reading this and watching pictures because I haven’t been home for almost a year. Greetings from NYC!

  71. Marija says:

    Spent the summer of 1988 in Serbia. My purpose in going was to meet my extended family and travel the places that my parents grew up at. However, the day after I got their my cousins young daughter was struck by a car and died a week later. The summer was spent mourning and supporting my newly met family. I never got to see the beautiful part of the world that my ancestors made a life in.

  72. Nebo says:

    Great pics and time 😉 Pity that you missed Subotica & Palic lake – several excellent traditional restaurants and local wines.

  73. Marko Polo says:

    Hey David, thank you for those beautiful pictures!
    I am serbian, but born and raised in germany. I never got to see those beautiful places (except of Belgrade) by myself. You made me want to do that now. Those places really look like from a movie.
    Where did you sleep when you travelled for 24 days? In those private households which offer cheap beds for a night? Saw lots of them, when I went to visit my grandparents last year.
    Great post!

  74. Aleksandra Mijic says:

    David, your pictures are amazing, so beautiful!!! I am glad you liked my country (I am from Banja Luka) and hopefully you’ll have a chance to discover some other natural beauties that we have in Bosnia (as they say “always leave something for the next time” :-))…Anyway, I have a correction to make for the picture from Blagaj (its Dervish house, not Dverish). And a couple of questions :-)…Where exactly did you take a panoramic picture of Jajce from? And did you go under the waterfalls? 🙂 I have made a small road trip this weekend and those waterfalls were my first stop…And when you went to Visegrad, did you cross the border to Serbia and visit Mokra Gora national park? I am a big traveler too,so in case you have some questions about my country I’ll be glad to answer them…And of course I shared your pictures with all my facebook friends 🙂 Thank you!

  75. Svjetski putnik says:

    Beautiful photos. Greetings from Bosnia & Herzegovina. You’re welcome to visit us again.

  76. Jovana says:

    Well , it is nice to see that somebody presents our countruies with all their amazing beauty, not just trought the war and bad things !! Thank u for this and share with all world !

  77. dragana says:

    Beautiful photos! But, it isn’t Sirium, it is SIRMIUM!

    • David says:

      thank you Dimitrije for sharing!!! I truly appreciate the share

  78. Olya Tout says:

    Thank you for these amazing photo tour! I am from Belgrade, but never took such lovely pictures. Hvala!

  79. Ivana Kurilic says:

    Beautiful photos… There is much more to see in Belgrade, like Monument to Knez Mihailo, St Sava Temple, Botanical garden, Bohemian quarter – Skadarlija, Church Ruzica and Despot Stefan’s Tower, Residence of prince Miloš, Ada, and many other great places. Maybe next time :).

    • davidsbeenhere says:

      thanks Ivan! We did see a few of those that you mentioned but I will add them to my list for next time. Thank you for commenting!

  80. Nikola says:

    Thank you Sir!

    • davidsbeenhere says:

      no problem Nikola!

  81. jj says:

    You can ominous clouds in some of the photos. I guess you went and left just a few days before the tragic floods.

    • davidsbeenhere says:

      JJ we left five days before these devastating floods. Bosnia & Serbia is in our prayers!

  82. Nastasja Zečević says:

    Did you enjoy our food? 😀
    I could kill now for burek with cheese and yoghurt…

    • Nikola says:

      hahahah blesava si 😀

    • Denis says:

      There is no such a thing as burek with cheese. When u say burek it can only be pie with meat, sirnica is pie with cheese. Peace.

      • David says:

        Thanks for letting us know Denis!

        • Heyho says:

          Just to let you know, you can call both of them Burek, as most of Balcanian people do, Sirnica is just a villagers name for Cheese Burek :p

    • Alen says:

      Burek je samo sa mesom 😉 heheh sala mala,pozdrav.

      • David says:

        Thank you for stopping by Alen!

    • davidsbeenhere says:

      Loved the food! I can also kill for some delicious Burek right now 🙂

      • Danka says:

        Hello David.
        I hope you’ll be back to visit, because let me tell you that there are many beautiful towns and attractions.
        Best Regards .. Welcome back

        • David says:

          Thank you Danka!

  83. Mika says:

    Thank you for this <3 It's nice to be seen & known for something other then our tragic wars. I can only hope Bosna & Serbia will one day be able to get over their horrible past & reconcile so that all Bosnians & Serbians will be together once again without repeating our violent forefathers bloody mistakes.

  84. Serbia – In Pictures. Help Serbia… | Serbia's Ambassador to the World says:

    […] My American friend David Hoffmann, founder of Davidsbeenhere.com, one of the most popular travel guide on the net, was in Serbia last month. He wrote: […]

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