17 Macedonia Instagram Photos That Will Make You Love History

In September 2015 I had the opportunity to visit my 7th Balkan country, Macedonia. For 9 incredible days we visited Skopje the capital, Bitola the second largest city, Mavrovo National Park, Lake Ohrid and the Povadarie wine region. I was able to capture highlights from my trip and share my Macedonia Instagram photos with my followers.

I learned so much about the history, people and cuisine of this amazing country and documented it all through Instagram.

See our article about the Top 5 Things to Do in Bitola, Macedonia

Here are my top 17 Macedonia Instagram photos that will hopefully inspire you to one day travel to Macedonia and experience its unique history and beautiful landscapes for yourself!

See also
Must Visit Sites of Moldova: The Stunning Monastery of Căpriana


The Stone Bridge of Skopje


Skopje’s Stone Bridge and Kale Fortress illuminated at night


View of Skopje from the top of the Kale Fortress


Ruins of a Roman Aqueduct in Skopje


Heading deep into Canyon Matkam, home of Vrelo Cave – the deepest underwater cave in Europe!


The Medieval Ottoman village of Jance in Macedonia’s Mavrovo National Park


Taking an epic picture overlooking Lake Ohrid from Galicica National Park


St. Jovan Kaneo on Lake Ohrid is the most photographed place in Macedonia


Placid Lake Ohrid on a sunny day


View over Bitola from the top of a minaret we were lucky to have been given permission to climb

See also
A Traditional Meal at Staria Chinar in Varna


Well preserved colorful mosaics at the great basilica of Herakleia Lynkestis – Founded in the 4th century BC by Philip II of Macedon (Alexander the Great’s father)


Amazing organic lunch spread at Villa Dihovo


Grapes are in season at Villa Dihovo


Getting a selfie with my Xshot from the top of a minaret in Bitola


Mosaic floor of the Baptisterium in the 5th century Basilica of ancient Stobi – an early Christian settlement


September is harvest time at Popova Kula Winery


Traditional folklore song and dance show at Popova Kula Winery

Special thanks to Macedonia Timeless and XShot.

Have you been to Macedonia? Share your travel experiences with our readers! Leave us a question or comment below.

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  1. Zoran Gorgioski says:

    Hello David,
    What a great photos and thank you for sharing with the rest of the world! I am born Macedonian but have been living in Chicago for the last 18 years. I am starting a traveling business to show Americans my homeland and will definitely use your photos and comments (if that’s ok with you)
    Thank you again and feel free to share with me any other photos or videos that you may have.

  2. Majda says:

    Thank you for these lovely photos! Really good quality, colourful and sunny, I enjoyed seeing my own country so bright and meaningful. Thanks again! Keep up the good work and fulfilling life 🙂 love, M.

    • David says:

      Hi Majda, Thank you for stopping by! I am glad you loved the photos.

  3. rebecca says:

    I never got to Macedonia. I wish I had of when I had the chance. These photos are so inspiring

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